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                                                               HostNamaste OpenVZ VPS

Stable Bitcoin Servers?

3 tbs of disk space, - 42 tbs of bandwidth, - Linux, - 24/7 customer support
I am considering bitcoin server hosting packages.
What do you know about them? What host would you choose? And why?


  • I've been using offshore dedicated hosting for about 10 months and I always have fast speed connection and my web site is steadily online. Found the availability of the systems administrator and sent them a support ticket and they responded me in a minute.

  • One thing I must say about is that they have excellent customer service. When you use the online chat, someone answers pretty much instantaneously. You can't ask for more than that! And they are willing to help you out in any way they can.

  • All in all, is unique, fun, responsible and interacts with the customer.
    great hosting. excellent one-on-one service. top provider to deal with. highly recommended.

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